Overworked can be sexy


This post may not be what, one would imagine, should come with such prompt of the day or the title. However, I do wish to focus on positive things ever more…

So this is


my husband’s old overworked tractor. It proved itself useful numerous times and in many ways, no doubt, it existed and aged way before I came into the picture. It looks rusty and is in a rough shape, but still runs and does the work, nonetheless. I took this photo of it, as a memory.

This is the first tractor I ever got to ride and drive. It is one of the many fun and sweet memories my husband and I share together. I was having fun and loving every minute of it, then he told me about this song “She thinks my tractor is sexy”…hmm… indeed, I later got to listen to it too. From that moment on, it is the phrase I associate with this tractor, this memory and this photo. On Flickr it is titled just that 🙂

So yes, from my experience, overworked can be sexy…even if just for this tractor.



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